Yeah, so I have some catching up to do. We have been traveling non-stop since October. Right after we got back from Kruger, Reid and I left for a trip to the US. Reid had to work, so we split after the first few days. I flew into VA, so I had a chance to have a quick lunch with one of the besties! I hadn’t seen Jen since we left Poland a year and a half ago. After a quick catch up, I was off for a nice weekend with Reid before we parted ways for a couple of weeks. Of course, I immediately enjoyed some wonderful meals. Mexican, Japanese, and then the pink light was on….
Panera Japanese BBQ KK! Must obey the pink light
My first stop was Florida, to visit the family. I had two days at Epcot for the Food and Wine festival, which is always a good time. So much fun, in fact, that I didn’t take any pictures….. My Mom treated my sister and I to a concert of Classic Album Live’s Pink Floyd; Wish You Were Here, which was amazing. Front row seats! Classic Albums Live is a Canadian company of musicians that travel across North America playing, you guessed it, classic albums live. The concerts sound exactly like the album. If you have a chance to see them – GO! The next day, my sister scored tickets to the UF home football game against Vandy. Again, incredible seats! So I got to go to Gainesville for a game!! GO GATORS!!! It was a pretty fantastic start to an amazing trip.
After the party in north Florida, I headed back to Orlando to spend some time with my Dad. We had a great visit exploring Orlando and catching up. Again, no pics. My time in Florida came to an end too quickly. Part Two, coming right up.